Sales and Distribution
Big Mind Pharma Life
Our sales and distribution include pharmacies, private hospitals, private, governmental, and non-governmental institutions.
Our team of sales and marketing representatives are in constant contact withphysicians, pharmacists and healthcare professionals as well as keepingthem informed of the latest developments in medical research and in the latest pharmaceuticals. Thus, our company seeks to meet the needs of all its clients from hospitals, medical centers, pharmacies and beauty centers.
Imports and Clearance
Big Mind Pharma Life
To achieve overall success in clearing our shipment within three business days, we have collected contracts from the trading industry with a number of effective initiatives. We implement accurately processes with continuous follow up of pre shipment documents and procedures, and we have adopted proactive measures to track the clearance of goods quickly.
Required Regulation
Big Mind Pharma Life
We follow the regulatory rules, SMPDA guidelines of Yemen, and WHOstandards.
To protect the health of our employees and the business of our company, we employ an expert organizational team to oversee all product registrations in a strict ethical manner.
Their work speeds up the registration process like renewals and acceptances, which help the healthcare products to be quickly and safely delivered to those who need them the most.